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Thanks for your interest to SICH Company. If you want to leave your comment about our product, please, use our feedback form. If you have any questions, comments or propositions on our site or services, please, send us your message to info@sich.ua and we will reply within 24 hours from the moment of sending your message.


16 Shutova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03067 tel: +38 (097) 609 33 79 email: info@sich.ua / sichtourniquet@gmail.com

Last few years we worked hard to provide our clients with high quality service and support in every special case. We responded to the requests from military men, medical personnel and volunteers, provided free technical support and gave our operations instructions, delivered the products quickly from our warehouse and ensured high quality of goods for 100%.


Hadomskyi Aleksandr SICH Ukraine Director tel: +38 (044) 232 01 83 email: alex@sich.ua